from Alf's Desk
Hufvudstadsbladet did a story on the sales figures for Teslas and how personal animus towards Musk might influence this, with Alf commenting.
What makes something data? Is data always data, and who decides? These are questions Alf starts getting into in his essay Data Is Not Data,...
SA asked Alf to give his take on how AI will affect innovation, and he did. See the video above, or read the article here:
The podcast TBCY is one of the biggest English-language business podcast in India and for the Indian diaspora, and Alf joined Ashutosh Garg to talk...
Alf commented on innovation and what leaders can do to overcome resistance to it in this article by Speakers Associates:
Speakers Associates asked Alf to give a comment on the returns of innovation investment, and here's what he said: LinkedIn
In this episode of Invincible Innovation with Adi Mazor Kario, Alf discusses the ethical complexities with AI and innovation.
Blast From The Past: Alf for The Leesman Review
Why are creativity and innovation comparable to muddling long-term relationships and bad farmers?...
Alf guested the 41st episode of the Nordic Leaders podcast, where he talked about the art of thinking, contrarianism, working in Denmark, and...