Alf Writes Books (He Can't Seem To Help Himself)
In all, Alf has written close to 20 books, and more than that if we count edited volumes he's done – including very academic books, very popular books, and the occasional bestseller. Here, we focus on some of the newest and most popular among these.
How many presentations on innovation have there been recently? Thousands? Millions? We live in an age of 'innovation fatigue'; feeling cheated by the endless rounds of consultants who come into our organizations, deliver conceptual models that don't stick with the realities of business and then leave again. Companies and teams are left feeling more deflated than before, and with not one idea that's impacted the bottom line.
Innovation for the Fatigued argues that much damage has been done to innovation as of late, and that we now need to fight for it to be saved.This book is the antidote to the empty promises that pervade the innovation industry. By designing a company culture that nurtures ideas, but also defends against incrementalism and fads, we can rediscover the powerful basics of imagination, empathy, play and courage, which are all instrumental in delivering deep creativity impactful innovation. Innovation for the Fatigued will detail where companies have got innovation wrong, whilst celebrating and studying the ones that lead the way. With unique, relatable and varied examples, renowned innovation and creativity professor Alf Rehn provides a practical model for getting innovation back on track.
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is a book on the many ways in which innovation can be understood, lauded, and critiqued. It is edited by Alf Rehn & Anders Örtenblad, and argues that despite its complexity, innovation is still depicted within academic literature as a phenomenon that is innately good and always necessary. This thought-provoking volume presents a more nuanced view – through a number of paired chapters for and against, as well as more general critiques of innovation and several suggested new lines of inquiry, the book will be of interest to all with a broader interest in innovation.
For More, Click Hereis a bestselling book on creativity for people who do not like books on creativity. Translated to eight languages (including Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Italian), it challenges the overly positive manner in which creativity is often presented and argues for a broader understanding of the phenomenon – including paying attention to disgusting, childish and unseemly things. For only by daring to push far beyond the realm of the serious and the proper can you truly challenge a business, a system, or yourself.
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kertoo, mitä moderni myynti vaatii, mitä se on ja mitä se ei ole – miten se on yhdistelmä sekä vanhaa että uutta osaamista. Perinteiset myyntitaidot eivät katoa minnekään, mutta vaaditaan vielä enemmän. Digitaalisuus on suuri mahdollisuus ja haaste, ja muun muassa moninaisuus, globalisaatio ja megatrendit on otettava huomioon modernissa myynnissä.
Kirja käsittelee myynnin teoriaa, psykologiaa ja strategioita. Käytännössä tarvitaan johtamista, organisointia, datan hyödyntämistä, tekoälyä. Verkkokauppa, sosiaalinen myynti, myynnin teknologia ja tulevaisuus tuovat oman näkökulmansa asiaan.
Kirja herättää lukijan pohtimaan myyntiä eri näkökulmista ja antaa tuoreita näkemyksiä. Kirjoittajien kantavana ajatuksena on kertoa, miten mikä tahansa yritys voi menestyä omassa myynnissään paremmin nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.